Monday 4 February 2013

Deja Vu

So it's that time of the rota again where I have to do early shifts. There was a point where I asked one of my supervisors to change as many as my shifts to lates, which she did for a few months, but then she got injured and was unable to do them for a while.
So now I have to be up at 5.30 for work most days this week. And we all know how hard it is for me to get to sleep at night. I worry about things. Money, Tracey having fibromyalgia and not getting enough sleep and being in pain, ironically knowing I have to be up early keeps me awake. Stupid body. I had a splitting headache last night as well so I had to pop a couple of pills, which slowly worked. And things aren't helped by my dad's constantly beeping hearing aid. By constant I mean constant. Not beep beep beep. I mean beeeeeeeeeeeeeep. All night.
So now it's 7.20am at the time of writing. And even though I only got about 4 hours or so of sleep, I'm not feeling as tired as you might think. I'm actually quite awake. And no, I haven't had any caffeinated drinks. Except Dr pepper, but I was feeling awake before I started drinking that.
On another note, I've more or less finished building my computer. I've got it working.  I just want to put more RAM in it. But I've got windows installed on it, I've got the blu-ray drive working, a DVD rewriter, the old IDE hard drive and two solid state drives. There's a CD rewriter that doesn't work because there's no more IDE connectors, but I can live with that. But other than that everything works. I just want a DVI to VGA cable to connect my small monitor for when I'm using the PS3. And oh yeah, my windows product key has stopped working so I only have a couple of days to activate it before... Something happens
Anyway, back to the grind. Adios amigos

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