Sunday, 28 April 2013

Jobcentre, Star Trek, Moving, and Phones

Hello my children.

This is just a little update to what's happened. So I'm still unemployed. I went to the jobcentre the other day and signed up for jobseekers allowance. It all seemed to go well. Except they forgot to give me my passport back and i had to go back for it. Luckily i wasn't too far away. I have to go again on the 8th May. Woo

I got my redundancy pay and lieu of notice pay. It came to just over £2000. Not including my work pay. After deductions (tax and National Insurance), it totalled £2,504.48p. Not bad but not quite as much as I'd hoped.

Anyways, one of the first things i did with it, except pay rent and stuff, was buy a Star Trek Communicator badge off eBay  Actually 2. With the rank pips that go on the collar. That must be the geekiest thing I've ever bought. This is it:

It's beautiful. I can be Captain Picard and Tracey can be Captain Janeway. Good price as well considering how shiny they are. Ooh maybe i should buy a couple of phasers and give one to Tracey and we can have a phaser battle. Oh god, what am i saying? I'm 28.

I think the fact I've been playing a lot of Star Trek Online and watching a lot of Star Trek has got me in the mood for it. I never really got into Deep Space 9 before but it's actually pretty good. Next Generation was always my favourite though.

Hmm what else has happened? Well I've decided I'm going to move to Ireland. Probably this year, within the next few months. I should start looking for jobs in Ireland as well. That reminds me, i need to do some research into international movers. It's not like I'm moving my whole house, just a few things from my room. And it wouldn't need to be quick, I'm not in a rush to get my stuff.

I've also come to the conclusion that my Galaxy Note is too big. I think I'd be better suited to something about 4 inches. I want something fairly compact and powerful, like a Galaxy S4, but smaller. That's 5 inches as well. The S4 mini is supposed to be 4.3, maybe that'd be better but it's "only" quad core instead of octa core, like the big S4. But quad core should be enough. I'll do some research anyway. But i definitely want one about 4 inches.

I think that's all for now. I'll make another post when i have something else to say. So bye for now.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Still Unemployed

Yeah, it's been about 2 months since i did my last blog. I still don't have a new job and i lose this job in less than 2 weeks. And yes, i have been looking. I've applied to several places. Especially technology related places, like CarphoneWarehouse and Comet and stuff like that. So far no-one has accepted me. One company wanted me to go to an interview, but after a bit of research i discovered it's a scam company. Don't ever work for Skyline Marketing Ltd.

On the 26th April, i do get some redundancy and lieu of notice pay. This should come to about £2000 (on top of my £600 or so normal pay), but i want to save as much of it as i can. Looks like i'll have to start going to the crappy jobcentre. From what one of my Facebook friends say though, they're a load of crap. Which i believe. Let's face it, they are owned by the government. And we all know what governments are like.

I'm typing this blog up at work. I probably shouldn't be. If Omar knew (the IT man), he wouldn't be happy. I don't even know if he still works here though. We're allowed to look for jobs though, obviously. Although some sites are blocked, including a few i've needed, like when i tried to look for jobs at Codemasters or Aston University. I understand gaming being blocked but education is also blocked. Why would they block education? "We don't want you learning things, do we". Stupid.

On another subject, the computer i've been building has a slight problem. I've installed that Windows on too many computers, and now they've blocked me from using that CD key thing. Now i need a new one, or i'll keep getting an error message, it'll say the Windows version number in the bottom right corner, and it'll blank the background. The error more than anything is annoying, but i suppose i'll have to tolerate it. If anyone has a spare Windows 7 Home Premium CD key, feel free to let me know

First world problems, eh? Other than that, it runs good except the mid range graphics card and the slow main hard drive. But i do want a better graphics card. It can't even run Star Trek Online at maximum graphics settings properly. It's got some nice effects but nothing that should be too hard on the graphics card. Ah well, i'll get a better one soon enough.

That's all for today. Just wanted top update you all on the situation. If you care. Probably not. I'm surprised i get as many views as i do. I'm at exactly 7400 views right now. Not bad. Anyway, toodle pips old chap